Looking for something fun to do? We’ve got options!
Scroll to the bottom to see all of our DEALS DEALS DEALS!
Monthly KNERDY Nights
The 1st Wednesday of every month we host knitting nights. Come in to knit or just to chit chat. Give us a call to save your a seat or just pop by. Fun starts at 6pm on Wednesday, March 5th. We can't wait to knit & get to know you!
Saturday Night Karaoke!
Join us for some karaoke fun! During the show, enjoy $8 Beyond the Pale brews. Fun starts at 9pm-1am. This monthly event is generously sponsored by Beyond the Pale. Future karaoke nights…April 26th, May 31st, June 28th, July 26th, August 23rd, September 27th, November 1st, & November 29.
Comedy Night’s
We are thrilled to be hosting weekly comedy nights Tuesday’s starting April 1st. Laughs start at 8pm. Performers can indulge in a glass of liquid courage for 50% off. Adults only recommended. Pay what you can-cash only-for performers.
Canadian Whisky Tasting
After discovering HOW AMAZING Canadian whisky can be, we have decided to share a few of them with you! THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd join Andrew Rastapkevicius at The HPH in a guided tasting of four Canadian whiskies. Try them side by side to showcase the different styles & then see how they shine in a few cocktails. Who needs American bourbon we have these delicious spirits right on our doorstep. $50 per person which includes, 4 whisky’s, 4 small cocktails, a bar snack & the guided tasting. Our regular menu will be available for those wanting to order dinner. Limited seating so sign up today.
Taste For Life Fundraiser
Wednesday, April 16th come in after 5pm & we will donate 25% of all food & drink sold to Bruce House. This awesome organization provides housing, food, and support for vulnerable people living with HIV in Ottawa. Come in for dinner & make a difference!
Canadian National Film Day
Wednesday, April 16th we will be celebrating Canadian films by streaming Long Time Running. Fun starts at 8pm.
Easter Weekend
We are open Good Friday & Saturday for brunch-late night fun, Easter Sunday for brunch & Easter Monday for brunch 10am-3pm, day drinks & dinner. Let us do the cooking this holiday weekend! Plus, we will have our board games out for some family fun. (pls note we will be closing Easter Sunday after brunch at 3pm to spend some time with our families.)
Pride Month
June 1st-30th purchase our Pride Punch cocktail & we will donate 30% to LetsStopAIDS' More fun activities to be announced soon.
Deals! Deals! Deals!
Weekday Lunch Deal
Monday, Thursday & Friday lunch between 11:30am-4:00pm enjoy a straight up burger & beer for $20.
Daily Happy Hour
4pm-6pm daily enjoy an Old Style Pilsner & a bar snack for $10.
Sunday Nights
BBB is BACK! Enjoy a beer, burger with fries, & bar snack for $30 PLUS kids mains are 50% off after 4pm. Bring in the family & let us do the cooking. (BBB comes with choice of beer, cider, or non-alcoholic beverage valued at $9.5 or less)
2 for 1 craft beers with the purchase of a main course.
Tuesday Night Laughs
We are thrilled to be hosting weekly open mic comedy nights Tuesday’s starting April 1st. Laughs start at 8pm. Book your seat online if you plan to perform or see the show. Open for regular dinner service as well. Performers can indulge in a glass of liquid courage for 50% off. Adults only recommended. Pay what you can. PLUS, join us for Happy Hour 4-6pm for an Old Style Pilsner & bar snack for $10.
Enjoy a featured bottle of wine for $30 with the purchase of two main courses. Book a date with your friend or loved one. If you don’t drink the bottle, you can always take it home to enjoy later!
Thursdays Blursday
Between 11:30am-3pm enjoy a straight up burger & beer for $20 or join us for Happy Hour 4pm-6pm for an Old Style Pilsner & a bar snack for $10.
Fish Fridays
Join us for lunch or an early dinner & enjoy our fish & chips with a draft craft beer or cider for $25. Valid from 11:30am-6pm.
Saturday Fun
Join us for brunch, day drinks, happy hour, dinner or some late night fun! Plus, we host karaoke monthly. So shine up your best song & come in for some fun. $8 Beyond the Pale brews during the show.
Not valid on holidays or to be combined with other discounts or promotions nor transferable to other guests.